2011. október 31., hétfő

meg mindig Southendben

...meg mindig itt dogozom Southendben, szeretek itt lenni, nyugodt az eletem; most azert leptem be ide mert itt akarok kozzetenni egy angol orvosi jegyzetet amit en irtam s Christopher baratom ektoralt..
Remelem, elvezitek majd, meg mas ango tanulast elosegito dolgokat is tervezek itt kozolni ez utan..

When tics attack…

- Good morning.
- Hi there... Please come in. How are things today?
-Yes OK thank you doctor but I am a little concerned..... You see I have a red spot of about 5 cms on my body. It doesn't hurt and is it itchy but still.... it's not a pretty sight and I am worried that it could be something serious.
- Ah yes, I can see. Have you been abroad recently, or perhaps on a small trip or excursion?
-Well yes actually, in fact last week I was on holiday in Burgenland. We went camping and spent most of our time in a tent.... it was fantastic! Have you been?
-Can't say I have actually... did you pick up any ticks or notice any other marks on your skin?
-Err no.... not that I am aware of.
-Well the reason I ask is that to me, the most probably answer is that you've been had by a tick.
-Oh no, please don't tell me that! Are you saying that I've got encephalitis ?
-No no no, fortunately not, but it seems that you've picked up Lyme's disease. It's not too serious and can be easily healed so there is no need to worry. I'll put you on a course of antibiotics and also give you a little test to see how the your antibodies are doing against this bug.
-Oh thank you doctor.


Be concerned-aggódik
Spot-kis kiemelkedő piros folt a bőrön /pattanás is/
Be worried-aggódik
To be abroad-külföldön tartózkodik
Pick up sg-összeszed vmit
Be aware of sg-tudatában lenni vminek
tick - kullancs
abroad – külföldön
recently - mostanában
tent – sátor
be put on sime kind of medication-vmilyen gyógyszert kezd szedni, amit az orvos rendelt

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