2011. november 19., szombat

Gyonyoru oszi hetvege, megint ugyeletes vagyok..

Megint, egesz hetebn ugyeletes vagyok. Ma be kellett mennem vizitre, megneztem, egy nagyon suloys 15 eves colitisu lcerosaban szenvedo leanykat, nem vagyok nyugodt felole..lehet, h ne mussza meg a vastagbeleltavolitast; probaltam mindent megadni neki, szerveztem a dolgait; megint a szokasos verzok is, de endoscopiara nem kerult vegul sor egyelore..
Ma delutan probalok lazitani; ilyenkor el kell vegeznem a hazimunkakat is..
Ujabb 2 resz az angolul tanuloknak !

Discreet matters…

- Hello, How are you feeling today?

- Not so great actually doctor. I have this horrible lower abdominal pain. My Gynaecologist treated me for a bacterial infection of the vagina a while ago and I've been fine since then, mucus was fine and it didn't smell bad or anything. I have been trying to get pregnant recently and now I am worried in case I am already pregnant and this antibiotic treatment has caused harm to the baby... do you think this is possible

-Oh...we'll see, have you taken a pregnancy test?

-No not yet.... I am also concerned that my husband was not treated and he may he given me back the infection ?

-Perhaps yes, it is certainly possible.

-I had an ultrasound carried out and the doctor told me one of my ovaries is a bit larger than the other, do you think it matters?

-No, I don't think so. You may have had an ovulation on that side so it shouldn't be anything to worry about.

-Oh Thank you Doctor, that is a weight off my mind indeed!


feel great- nagyszerűen érzi magát
actually-nem aktuálisan ! megfelel as a matter of fact/in fact kifejezéseknek pl. Is your name Henry ? – No, it is Thomas actually./
lower abdominal pain – alhasi fájdalom
gynaecologist- nőgyógyász /kiejtés ginekolodzsiszt !/
bacterial infection – bakteriális fertőzés
smell bad – rossz szaga van
pregnant – állapotos
get pregnant- teherbe esik
cause harm-árt
be concerned-aggódik
to be worried- aggódik
carry out an ultrasound –ultrahangos vizsgálatot végez
weight off my mind – kő esett le a szívemről

Is it a heart attack, Doctor ? Or just the nerves ?

- Hi there, come in please, take a seat !
- Thank you.
- So what's brought you in today?
- Well, I have a terrible pain in my chest. Sometimes I wake up with it while other times it comes on during the day.
- Tell me what sort of pain it is, like a throbbing pain or a dull one or...
- It's like a dull ache, going from the middle of my chest to my back.
- And when you swallow or breathe does it precipitate it?
- Breathing I would say.. it tends to make it pretty uncomfortable.
- And how long does this pain generally hang around for?
- For a few hours every day. And I always feel nauseous when it happens.
- Do you tend to get anxious at all?
- Well yes sometimes. I am a little afraid of a heart attack to be honest. Although my GP did tell me that my blood work and ECG test was all fine.
- What makes you think of it ?
- Well I think it is because a friend died last year of heart disease and my father had it too...
- Do you smoke ?
- Yea, not much though.
- How many?
- 8 or 10 cigarettes a day...
- OK, for now we'll make another ECG now; small taps will be put on your chest and extremities. The technician may have to shave in a few places if necessary. We'll continue later and in the mean while, try and cut down on the cigarettes.
-OK, thank you Doctor, I'll try.


Hang around – marad, van
Nauseous – hányingert érez
Anxious – szorongó
Heart attack – myocardialis infarctus
To be honest- az igazat megvallva
Blood work – kb. vérvétel
Pain in thew chest – melklkasi fájdalom
Wake up with it – felkeléskor érzi
Dull ache – tompa fájdalom
Throbbing pain – szorító fájdalom
Swallow – nyel
Breathe – lélegzik
Tap – itt: tappancs; ált. vmilyen érintkező egy műszerrel pl. telefonlehallgatásra használt eszköz is
Blood-work-laboratóriumi értékek
Extremity - végtag

2011. november 1., kedd


Ma szep oszi ido van, mindenszentek unnepe. Itt ez sajnos nem unnep, abszolut nem katolikus ez az orszag.
Ugyhogy megyek dolgozni, delutan szakrendeles, itt ugy hivjak, h clinic.
Elotte meg zongorat gyakorolok egy helyi zongorakereskedonel, 5 fontert egy orat lehet kivalo hangszereken gyakorolni, szeretem, visszavisz a fiatal eveimbe.
Estenkent borozgatni szoktam gyakran, olvasok, mindig setalok is..
Itt a kovetkezo lecke !

Oh Doctor, what bug is it ?

- Good afternoon. How can I help you?
-Hi, I have these red bumps on my fingers and also... down below...They're as itchy as hell! My GP said that he thinks I have scabies?
-You mean around your genital area?
-Yes... and it's so embarrassing you know..... But the thing is, I live alone with my sister and I've never done that.... you know what I mean...?
-Ohhh, yes of course. It is a common misconception that scabies is a result of sexual contact but nothing could be further from the truth. In fact the most common cause of scabies is from sleeping in dirty hotels or using infected towels etc.
-Well now.... that would make sense as we actually stayed in Hercogovinia a few weeks ago and the hotel was pretty dingy.
-Hm, and have you applied any kind of cream?
-Oh yes and not only that. I mean we've both had our nails cut down to the bone, had our shoes in the freezer, boiled our bedding, steam ironed our clothes..... the list goes on. It's making us both crazy!
-Yes I can understand but please don't be so concerned, I'll take a sample and then see what we can do about finding a way out of this.


Bug-hétköznapi nyelvben akármilyen rovar v mikróba
Down below-nemi szerv /egyszerű emberek szóhasználata;also my netter parts/
As hell-pokolian
Make sense-van értelme
Boil-forráz, forr, kelés
Steam iron-kigőzöl
Don’t be concerned-ne aggódjon