Megint, egesz hetebn ugyeletes vagyok. Ma be kellett mennem vizitre, megneztem, egy nagyon suloys 15 eves colitisu lcerosaban szenvedo leanykat, nem vagyok nyugodt felole..lehet, h ne mussza meg a vastagbeleltavolitast; probaltam mindent megadni neki, szerveztem a dolgait; megint a szokasos verzok is, de endoscopiara nem kerult vegul sor egyelore..
Ma delutan probalok lazitani; ilyenkor el kell vegeznem a hazimunkakat is..
Ujabb 2 resz az angolul tanuloknak !
Discreet matters…
- Hello, How are you feeling today?
- Not so great actually doctor. I have this horrible lower abdominal pain. My Gynaecologist treated me for a bacterial infection of the vagina a while ago and I've been fine since then, mucus was fine and it didn't smell bad or anything. I have been trying to get pregnant recently and now I am worried in case I am already pregnant and this antibiotic treatment has caused harm to the baby... do you think this is possible
-Oh...we'll see, have you taken a pregnancy test?
-No not yet.... I am also concerned that my husband was not treated and he may he given me back the infection ?
-Perhaps yes, it is certainly possible.
-I had an ultrasound carried out and the doctor told me one of my ovaries is a bit larger than the other, do you think it matters?
-No, I don't think so. You may have had an ovulation on that side so it shouldn't be anything to worry about.
-Oh Thank you Doctor, that is a weight off my mind indeed!
feel great- nagyszerűen érzi magát
actually-nem aktuálisan ! megfelel as a matter of fact/in fact kifejezéseknek pl. Is your name Henry ? – No, it is Thomas actually./
lower abdominal pain – alhasi fájdalom
gynaecologist- nőgyógyász /kiejtés ginekolodzsiszt !/
bacterial infection – bakteriális fertőzés
smell bad – rossz szaga van
pregnant – állapotos
get pregnant- teherbe esik
cause harm-árt
be concerned-aggódik
to be worried- aggódik
carry out an ultrasound –ultrahangos vizsgálatot végez
weight off my mind – kő esett le a szívemről
Is it a heart attack, Doctor ? Or just the nerves ?
- Hi there, come in please, take a seat !
- Thank you.
- So what's brought you in today?
- Well, I have a terrible pain in my chest. Sometimes I wake up with it while other times it comes on during the day.
- Tell me what sort of pain it is, like a throbbing pain or a dull one or...
- It's like a dull ache, going from the middle of my chest to my back.
- And when you swallow or breathe does it precipitate it?
- Breathing I would say.. it tends to make it pretty uncomfortable.
- And how long does this pain generally hang around for?
- For a few hours every day. And I always feel nauseous when it happens.
- Do you tend to get anxious at all?
- Well yes sometimes. I am a little afraid of a heart attack to be honest. Although my GP did tell me that my blood work and ECG test was all fine.
- What makes you think of it ?
- Well I think it is because a friend died last year of heart disease and my father had it too...
- Do you smoke ?
- Yea, not much though.
- How many?
- 8 or 10 cigarettes a day...
- OK, for now we'll make another ECG now; small taps will be put on your chest and extremities. The technician may have to shave in a few places if necessary. We'll continue later and in the mean while, try and cut down on the cigarettes.
-OK, thank you Doctor, I'll try.
Hang around – marad, van
Nauseous – hányingert érez
Anxious – szorongó
Heart attack – myocardialis infarctus
To be honest- az igazat megvallva
Blood work – kb. vérvétel
Pain in thew chest – melklkasi fájdalom
Wake up with it – felkeléskor érzi
Dull ache – tompa fájdalom
Throbbing pain – szorító fájdalom
Swallow – nyel
Breathe – lélegzik
Tap – itt: tappancs; ált. vmilyen érintkező egy műszerrel pl. telefonlehallgatásra használt eszköz is
Blood-work-laboratóriumi értékek
Extremity - végtag
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